CHAPTER 4: unashamed

Over the last 12 months there has been a tangible shift, particularly in the UK, in how people view faith and God. While still officially a Christian nation, we have become more secular in our laws, attitudes and expressions, and have moved away from even a belief in God, let alone developing a personal relationship with him.
But alongside this we see increasing hopelessness, loneliness, shame and desperation. We are indeed in the perilous end-times that Jesus warned about.
The nation - and the world - needs a Saviour more than ever before!

the message
"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ.
It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes"
- Romans 1:16 -
The heart of Evanwear is and always will be sowing seeds of the Gospel.
It is about encouraging, informing, inspiring and challenging both ourselves and those we meet to step closer to Christ and experience His saving grace.
We are called to share the Good News and to make disciples!
the collections

Chapter 4 incorporates elements of our previous collections in new colours and styles as well as introducing brand new themes, bold new designs and exciting new products - all with the same mission and the same emphasis on excellence in design and product quality that you have come to expect from us.
We are also excited to introduce Evanwear Childrenswear - for even out of the mouths of babes and infants God's strength is established!
We would love to know how you're out there sharing the gospel so don't forget to connect with us on social media and join the community by sharing your photos and experiences.