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Over the last twelve months we've all experienced major changes - to our daily routines, our work patterns, our church fellowship, family dynamics and other connections.

While it has been challenging to say the least, one thing the pandemic has helped us to do is to really hone in on what's important, and what isn't.

As we start to take steps towards coming out on the other side we want to be intentional about centring our lives on the things that truly matter!


the message


There is nothing more important than love - loving Jesus, loving those around us and loving and caring for ourselves. Jesus said that absolutely everything in God's law and the Prophets hangs on the commandment to love!



Pursue true joy - the joy that is not tied to our circumstances, our finances or even our health. This is the kind of joy that only comes from knowing Jesus, and the incredible thing is this joy can never be taken away from us! When we tap into the joy of the Lord, the natural response is a heart overflowing with gratitude!



Jesus said that he is the true vine and that we are the branches. He invites us to remain in fellowship with him, grafted to the vine. By doing so we can be confident that not only will we continue to grow and thrive, we will also be fruitful in God's kingdom!   




Chapter 5 incorporates some of the new designs and themes we introduced at the beginning of the year on new products as well as a few brand new pieces.


We hope you love them as much as we do and please do stay connected as we've so much more in store for the coming months!




We would love to know how you're out there sharing the gospel so don't forget to connect with us on social media and join the community by sharing your photos and experiences.








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