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Becoming GODependent

Adjoa Kyei

depend on god christian blog post

From the day we are born we are constantly striving to be more independent. Whether it’s a toddler learning to walk unaided, a teenager leaving the family home, or a young adult managing rent and bills for the first time - we are continually aiming towards an existence which is self-contained and not reliant on the assistance of others. While this a natural part of our development into adulthood, the saying goes that no man is an island and indeed companionship and connection are an essential component of our lives.

Designed For Connection

From the first man Adam, God mandated that it is not good for man to be alone and provided a companion with whom he would share his life. However there is one person whose companionship is far more important. God designed man to be in constant communion with him. When man enjoyed the unhindered presence of God, he prospered. But it was only once that channel was broken that the challenges and burdens so familiar in modern life began to creep in - shame, guilt, loneliness and fear to name just a few.

Man was not designed to live a life independent of God. On the contrary, the joy, peace, prosperity and indeed the very existence of man hinges on his constant connection with God.

The True Vine

In John 15, Jesus describes himself as the true vine and us as the branches, and goes on to explain that the branch can only bear fruit when connected with the vine (John 15:1,4-5). In other words, disconnection with the vine would lead to unfruitfullness and eventually death.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing". - John 15:5

Free To Be Dependent

Dependence on God does not turn us into mindless drones or force us into a life of miserable subservience. Rather, our loving union with the Godhead bestows on us the right to approach the throne of God, day or night, to enquire of God, reason with him, enjoy intimate fellowship with him, and receive guidance and instruction on the issues we encounter throughout our lives. (Hebrews 4:16, Isaiah 1:18, Psalm 91:14-15, Proverbs 16:9)

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps". - Proverbs 16:9

Unlike the world which often sees any form of dependence as a weakness, as Christians we rejoice in both understanding the necessity to stay connected with, focused on and fully dependent on the Father and the privilege of being able to do so. May we continue to be joyfully and unashamedly GODependent!

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